3 Easy Steps to Improve Productivity As You Build Your Business

Maximizing productivity is every business owner’s favorite aspiration.  

We download productivity app after productivity app, color code our calendars, and reorganize our email inbox folders for the 10th time.  While there is no one simple solution to maximize your time, there are a few easy steps you can take to improve productivity as you build your business. 

Create Templates

Each time you are creating a new document from scratch, save your work as a template..  

For example, if you are pitching a new client, save your presentation as a starting template for future use.  When you pitch your next client, you are able to edit the information in your original document to fit the needs of your upcoming pitch.

Congratulations!  In addition to saving yourself tons of time, you are creating systems for your business that allow you to work smarter.

Here are some templates valuable to our team:

  • Standard Letterhead 

  • Client Meeting Agenda

  • Client Meeting Summary

  • Pitch Deck

  • Client Retainer Summary

To be completely transparent, our team simply created these templates on an as needed basis.  We create new documents and presentations when we need them, and then we save each one for future use.

Utilize A Brand Kit In Canva

Canva is an amazing tool for any business, and a great investment for any business owner building their brand.  Canva Pro is reasonably priced at $12.99 (as of October 2022) and our favorite feature is the custom brand kit.

Upload your logo and brand colors to your Canva brand kit and use your brand kit to style custom designs with the click of a button.  By establishing your brand in Canva, you ensure your business is represented consistently across all future designs.  Seriously - It’s that simple.

Canva is a great tool for creating online content, and you can absolutely turn your design into tangible items too.  Create anything from business cards, to posters, to stickers, mugs, invitations, product labels, and more!
By establishing your brand kit in Canva, you will save TONS of time and spark creativity in unexpected ways.  Go ahead, surprise yourself.

Click here for a free trial of Canva Pro!

Schedule Downtime 

Bet you didn't see that coming!  When you are excited about your business, it can be tough to turn your work brain off.  The truth is, if you are building a business, there is ALWAYS work to be done and it can be hard to walk away.

Schedule downtime on your calendar as a non-negotiable to focus on whatever refuels you.  Burnout will sneak up on you.  When our brains or bodies become over-stimulated and reach a point of exhaustion it is a major setback, and can be detrimental to the growth of your business.

Prioritizing time to fill your own cup is not a privilege, it is an investment you MUST be willing to make in yourself and your business.  Hold yourself accountable by honoring downtime on your calendar with the same respect you would a new client meeting.

Ideas for Scheduled Downtime

  • Coffee - no screens!

  • Go for a walk & listen to your favorite podcast

  • 15 minute stretch videos on YouTube

  • Take a yoga class

  • 30 minute phone call with a family member or friend

  • Snuggle a puppy

  • Take a nap

  • Doodle or journal

What you do during downtime, how long you choose to take, and when you choose to schedule downtime activities is extremely personal.  Listen to your body and pay attention to what time / days you need to charge your batteries.  

The Moxie Manifest team hopes these steps help you find a little more time in your day. Plan B… There is always coffee.


A new year, same green grass


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